Do you still have no faith?

Welcome to Mansions of Madness, 2nd edition, our next Tabletop RPG!
It's a Lovecraftian universe inspired game.

☝🏼 Howard Phillips Lovecraft was an American writer of weird and horror fiction, who is known for his creation of what became known as the Cthulhu Mythos.
If anyone wanna watch Dagon (the film directed by Stuart Gordon and written by Dennis Paoli, based on H. P. Lovecraft's novella The Shadow Over Innsmouth), we've got a copy in the Loge's library.
The Cthulu mythos is about outer-dimensional, incomprehensible to the human mind, madness-inducing entities, who once ruled the Earth. Some of them—the least of them—are still amongst us (like the mi-go in "The Whisperer in Darkness"). Others, the Great Old Ones, were once expelled in another dimension, but they will return when "the stars are right."
There are cultists (no, not Scientologists—though who is to say what "the truth revealed" to the faithful who ultimately reach OT level VIII really turns about to be?) who are trying to open the "door" to bring about the return of the Great Old Ones.
The hallmark of Lovecraft's work is cosmicism, the sense that ordinary life is a thin shell over a reality that is so alien and abstract in comparison that merely contemplating it would damage the sanity of the ordinary person.
Lovecraft's pantheon is made of "such stuff as dreams [or nightmares] are made on" and "dreams are older than brooding Tyre or the contemplative Sphinx, or garden-girdled Babylon," but not all of Lovecraft's entities are entirely the product of the author's tormented psyche, Bast, Nodens and Dagon are known antic deities respectively from Egyptian, Celtic and Mesopotamian mythologies.
Did you know that the Loge possesses a copy, in the library, of what has been described as "potentially the most dangerous Black Book known to the Western World"?
No, not The Project For The New American Century...
The Necronomicon!

How careless of the librarian.
I think of some unsuspecting guest stumbling onto that book and shuffling unknowingly thought the pages ...

And I shudder.