1. WHO and WHAT
Not such and easy target.
The possibility are endless... I get it.

First things first, then.
Let's just put "WHO" on hold for now, and let us try to narrow it down a bit by first getting started with WHERE, HOW and WHY.
2. WHERE, HOW and WHY?
What's your cup of tea? Or is it coffee? Or something more exotic? (Pick your poison.)
Where in the world do you envision your merry adventures unfolding?

Do you fancy yourself living in a rich, vibrant city? A city of splendors?
A modest hamlet?
A cabin in the woods? (Because what could possibly go wrong with that, right?)
Or are you, maybe, an itinerant wanderer? Some kind of a performer, perhaps?

Which takes you next to the related questions of HOW and WHY.
Wherever it is that you live, how do you do it?
How do you support your life style?
And why? Why is it you do what you do?
It doesn't necessarily have to be Sword and Sorcery or Heroic Fantasy, you know.
There's nothing stopping you from taking your D&D game to the modern era:

Or the future: